Category Archives: thoughts

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Our Sites

Sites we created, own and manage:

Sites we own and manage, created by others:

Sites we created and manage for others:

Sites for which we collaborate in management:

Sharing a Screen on Zoom

Zoom Screen Sharing

Zoom Screen SharingCovid-19 has changed a lot of things, including how we communicate. Zoom meetings have become the norm, but many do not know how to use some of the most helpful features. Earlier this year, I recorded this video demonstrating the Zoom screen sharing function:

Meet Mridula Baljekar

Mridula Balkejar

We are honored to be working with the international award winning Indian author and chef, Mridula Baljekar. We have known Mridula for several years, meeting her when she had her hugely successful restaurant, “Spice Route” in Windsor, England. We are assisting her with marketing efforts and working in conjunction with her social media team to help build her brand as she introduces a new line of chutneys and other prepared Indian dishes in the UK. You can learn more about Mridula here…

Buffalo Milk for Alternative Income?

a momma buffalo and a baby buffaloAccording to the website, NZ Farmer, milking buffalo can be a great source of alternative income!  “We have a few people interested…”, the website stated, going on to say, “Prospects for buffalo milk dairy production had never been more positive…”.

We don’t know about you, but the idea of milking buffalo doesn’t seem as appealing to us as owning a revenue generating website. After all, you have to feed the buffalo and be careful that it doesn’t run over you in the process!  But you simply sit back and collect monthly returns from your websites – and, they don’t smell!

So do yourself a favor and buy a revenue generating website.  You will probably enjoy it a lot more than milking a buffalo!